Air resistance is defined as the friction created by air as an object moves through it. Air is made of molecules just like any solid object and as something like a car or plane travels through it air will slow it down or resist its motion. Air resistance can be lowered through a few measures:
- Change the shape: The front surface of any vehicle or moving object has a major impact on the way air impacts it as it moves. The less area, the less resistance the vehicle will undergo. This is seen on Formula-1 cars as they are very narrow and low to the ground. You can also use more sloped angles which presents less of a front for air to impact and allows air to glide past a surface and reduces drag.
- Changing the surface: Rougher surfaces will have a harder time making it through air and will increase resistance. This is why the hood and fronts of most vehicles are as smooth as possible, as rough surfaces can have a major impact on performance. Some air-craft which are designed to not be streamlined have larger bubbled surfaces to increase the resistance they undergo.
- Changing the speed: The faster you are traveling the more air resistance you feel. This solution does not have many practical uses, as usually the reason to lower air resistance is to increase speed and fuel economy.
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