Macbeth is prophesied to be king, while Banquo will be the father of kings. At the beginning of the play, these two soldiers had been friends, fighting together in the battle. With the prophecy, however, things begin to change. Macbeth, believing wholeheartedly in the prophecy, immediately sees murder as the means by which he can get rid of Duncan, as well as Duncan’s sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. When he contemplates the witches’ prophecy of Banquo’s...
Macbeth is prophesied to be king, while Banquo will be the father of kings. At the beginning of the play, these two soldiers had been friends, fighting together in the battle. With the prophecy, however, things begin to change. Macbeth, believing wholeheartedly in the prophecy, immediately sees murder as the means by which he can get rid of Duncan, as well as Duncan’s sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. When he contemplates the witches’ prophecy of Banquo’s sons becoming kings, he puts two and two together: his own sons will not inherit the crown. Instead, it will go to the offspring of Banquo (a historical note: Banquo’s descendant was James I, the king of England when Shakespeare wrote the play). Therefore, Banquo must die (even though he is not prophesied to be king himself). His sons also must be killed.
Macbeth’s hubris (pride) easily twists his soul, seeing murder as a requirement to achieve his destiny. He had momentarily thought that he should do nothing, and that his fate would happen without his own effort. Then he decides that he cannot take that risk. Previously a loyal subject and friend, his relationship with Duncan as well as Banquo is twisted.
Banquo, understanding the prophecy as well, does not see it as “fate.” He believes it is the work of the devil, in order to get Macbeth and himself to commit evil. He rejects this, and begins to distance himself from Macbeth, at least emotionally.
The difference between the two men, therefore, is the nature of the souls. Macbeth is easily corrupted, while Banquo is strong in character. In the end, it is this difference that brings about the result of the prophecy. Macbeth does not live long enough to pass the crown onto his son, which the witches didn’t prophesy. Banquo, who chooses righteousness, does nothing to help the prophecy along; as a result, it comes true.
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