At the beginning of Fitzgerald's short story "Winter Dreams," Dexter, the main character, is a teenager who works as a caddie at the local country club golf course. He sees Judy Jones, then a little girl, and her beauty and passion cause him to quit his job though he is the most successful caddie at the club. Here we first see that Judy comes to represent the wealth and power that Dexter desires.
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At the beginning of Fitzgerald's short story "Winter Dreams," Dexter, the main character, is a teenager who works as a caddie at the local country club golf course. He sees Judy Jones, then a little girl, and her beauty and passion cause him to quit his job though he is the most successful caddie at the club. Here we first see that Judy comes to represent the wealth and power that Dexter desires.
The second time he sees Judy Jones, Dexter has made a fortune by opening a large string of specialty laundries, selling the business, and moving to New York. He has succeeded in making money, part of the dreams he had when he was a young man. As he is playing at the Sherry Island Golf Club with some other wealthy men, he encounters Judy when she hits a player in the stomach with her golf ball. Dexter sees that Judy is now very beautiful, impatient, and careless.
Later that day, as Dexter is musing on the day's events, Judy arrives in a motorboat and invites Dexter to drive the boat so she can ride behind on a surfboard. She invites him to dinner and "for the second time, her casual whim gave a new direction to his life." From this point in the story, Dexter begins to pursue Judy with the same dedication with which he pursued wealth.
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