"American History" is a short story set in New Jersey in the 1960s. The story's protagonist, Elena, is a Puerto Rican girl who is largely an outcast in her school and has difficulty connecting with others. Other students call her "Skinny Bones" and ridicule her on a daily basis.
Because of the struggles she faces as an outcast, she is attracted to others who—like her—don't fit in. This affinity for others who are also outcast...
"American History" is a short story set in New Jersey in the 1960s. The story's protagonist, Elena, is a Puerto Rican girl who is largely an outcast in her school and has difficulty connecting with others. Other students call her "Skinny Bones" and ridicule her on a daily basis.
Because of the struggles she faces as an outcast, she is attracted to others who—like her—don't fit in. This affinity for others who are also outcast leads her to Eugene, a transplant from Georgia who is quickly labeled to be a hick by other students.
As Elena and Eugene's friendship blooms, she desires to be invited to his home—which she can see from her apartment window—to study. On the day that she is to come over to study with Eugene, President John F. Kennedy is shot and killed.
Though her mother wanted her to stay in the apartment and mourn the president, Elena is excited to go to Eugene's home and study with him. Upon arriving at Eugene's home, Elena is greeted at the door by his mother. She tells Elena she doesn't want one of the "people" from the apartment building to be Eugene's friend and she informs Elena that Eugene will be moving shortly anyway, so there is no reason to try to be friends.
The story ends with Elena in bed. She wants to mourn for President Kennedy, but ends up crying for herself instead.
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