We learn that Margot, the protagonist, has not adjusted well to living on Venus, a planet where it almost never stops raining. Unlike the other children, who have been on Venus all their lives and don't recall the last time the sun came out (they would have been only two), she vividly remembers sunshine. She misses it and has begun to deteriorate so badly that her parents are considering returning to Earth. For example, one...
We learn that Margot, the protagonist, has not adjusted well to living on Venus, a planet where it almost never stops raining. Unlike the other children, who have been on Venus all their lives and don't recall the last time the sun came out (they would have been only two), she vividly remembers sunshine. She misses it and has begun to deteriorate so badly that her parents are considering returning to Earth. For example, one day Margot refuses to take a shower at the school, screaming that the water mustn't touch her head. She also stays aloof from the other children, not joining in their games.
When the hour of sunshine comes after seven years of rain, the other children lock Margot in a windowless closet and forget about her while they play outside. When they remember her, the rain has begun again. They return to the closet. She had been screaming and banging on the door earlier, but now they hear only silence. They let her out, and while we as readers don't know how she will be, we might assume she has been traumatized by missing the sunshine she has so badly been longing for and that her deterioration and unhappiness will be worse than ever.
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