Most sources will tell you there are around 639 to 640 muscles throughout the human body. There are 30 facial muscles alone. The muscles of the human body are divided into three categories depending on the placement in the body and the job they do for the body. The first group are the skeletal muscles. These muscles are voluntary, which means you have control over their movement. These are the muscles that actually help you...
Most sources will tell you there are around 639 to 640 muscles throughout the human body. There are 30 facial muscles alone. The muscles of the human body are divided into three categories depending on the placement in the body and the job they do for the body. The first group are the skeletal muscles. These muscles are voluntary, which means you have control over their movement. These are the muscles that actually help you to move. They are made of bands called fibrils and are striated. They have multiple nuclei to provide them with the energy they need (since these muscles perform a great deal of movement). The second group is the smooth muscles, which are involuntary (you have no control over them). They make up hollow organs in the body and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Finally, you have the cardiac muscle. This muscle is found in only one place in the body and that is the heart. It is also involuntary. The muscle is striated, but only has one nucleus per tissue cell.
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