"In Another Country" is an example of Ernest Hemingway's preference for writing stories based on personal experience. He was wounded in World War I while driving an ambulance. The persons and incidents depicted in the story "In Another Country" are evidently based on his recuperation period in Italy. Hemingway admired writers who derived their material from personal experience. One writer he greatly admired was Stephen Crane, whose story "The Open Boat" was based on his...
"In Another Country" is an example of Ernest Hemingway's preference for writing stories based on personal experience. He was wounded in World War I while driving an ambulance. The persons and incidents depicted in the story "In Another Country" are evidently based on his recuperation period in Italy. Hemingway admired writers who derived their material from personal experience. One writer he greatly admired was Stephen Crane, whose story "The Open Boat" was based on his experience when forced to abandon ship while he was on an assignment to report on the Cuban Revolution.
It was fifty-four hours before Crane and his companions were able to ride the heavy surf to shore at Daytona. One of his companions was drowned as they came to shore.
Many of Hemingway's novels were based on personal experience. These include A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea. Among the many stories based on personal experience are "A Day's Wait," "Old Man at the Bridge," and "Hills Like White Elephants."
Other writers who traveled a great deal and took risks in search of new settings, characters, and situations to use in their fiction included Rudyard Kipling, Somerset Maugham, and Graham Greene.
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