In Langston Hughes short story “Thank You M’am,” Roger tells Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones his motive for attempting to steal her purse is to get money to purchase blue suede shoes. After thwarting his attempt, Mrs. Jones realizes his motive is far more than wanting new shoes, even if Roger is not aware of it. Mrs. Jones sees a young man in need of adult direction in his life. As she picks him up, she gives him a once over, and sees his dirty face and general dishevelment. Instead of turning him in to the authorities, she decides to take him to her home. Mrs. Jones is astute enough to realize that it is less about blue suede shoes, and more about a young man in need of attention and direction. In their conversations, she addresses him as “son,” which is a term of endearment showing she cares about him. “Then we’ll eat,” said the woman, “I believe you’re hungry—or been hungry—to try to snatch my pockekbook.” “I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes,” said the boy. “Well, you didn’t h...